11 chem, week 11 - Nothing New

So this week I had my test on Tuesday, and then I started work on unit 4... thing is, I had a lot of immediately important stuff this week:

  • Monday: musical auditions
  • Tuesday: Physics test & more musical auditions
  • Wednesday: Math test 
  • Thursday: Vocal Music solo performance
Coupled with being part of the Santa Claus parade yesterday, as well as a 10-hour band recording session that went until 11:30 pm, and I've been pretty full all week.  I am truly sorry that I don't have anything to post about today, but... I really don't.  I would try to post about the work that I did in unit 4, but I haven't even made it through the first module yet, so I don't see much of a point in trying to write three paragraphs on that.  I will, however, be able to continue blogging normally next week.

 - L


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